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The “Scientific American” Articles on GMOs

Posted in The GMO Blog

Last updated on April 1, 2019

Last night I read the Scientific American article (Are Engineered Foods Evil?, by David H. Freedman), including the editorial (Science Agenda, by “the Editors”) at the front of the publication. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a print copy of the magazine.

I was prepared for the stance of Freedman’s article, as most tech or scientific articles will be PRO-biotech. What really surprised me was how discombobulated it was. The author shunned Seralini and his research on rats and tumors caused by GMOs, then later in the article seemed to give him some credit. Freedman compares “selective cross-breeding” with “DNA-insertion” as if they are the same thing, with DNA-insertion merely being a neater process. Cross-breeding and DNA-insertion are absolutely NOT  the same thing, and the author makes no attempt to explain the differences. This is a sloppy and confusing article.

Freedman claims that third world countries refuse genetically engineered crops and blindly follow Europe’s path of “No-GMO’s” — how about a more in-depth look at why Europe has decided they do not want genetically engineered foods? Compared to the U.S., Europe has been the voice of sanity in a world gone mad with genetic engineering.

But, truly, this article was unresearched. It is widely known that the FDA does NOT test the safety of GE foods; it relies on the biotech industries’ own testing or outsourcing. Furthermore, I would like to see Freedmans’ research on the decreased amount of pesticide usage due to GMOs; it’s the first time I’ve heard mention of that. This article seems unsubstantiated. I’ve done a great deal of research on the topic. Truly, I’d like to see Mr. Freedman’s.

In conclusion, I think it is of the utmost importance to continue with the quest for public GMO education and mandatory labeling. If we – and pro-active organizations in lieu of the federal government – do not continue to do the work that we are doing, the public will continue to be unaware of what they are eating. Actually, it isn’t merely what is IN the food we eat at this point, it is how our food has been tampered with at the genetic level. I, for one, believe this is a terrible thing. I believe it is our RIGHT to know precisely what we are eating, I think food should come from the earth and not a laboratory, and I think we should be told if it is otherwise. At that point, individuals are free to make their own decisions about what they take into their bodies.



Eric Michielssenlink

10/15/2013 03:14:40 am
Thanks for your Blog article. He seems to take Michael Taylor’s(former lawyer at Monsanto-now head of FDA, who while at USDA coined the term “substantially identical”) substantially identical claims as ultimate truth. How can the act of rearranging the genes in an organism with millions of possibilities, not be inherently flawed–what are the unintended consequences? Just because it’s scientific does not make it perfect!

Aaron A Aveirolink
10/15/2013 09:23:45 am
Monsanto…the grand daddy of GMO has very quietly positioned themselves to be in control of the food supply…pretty frightening when you really look and see how deeply they are entrenched in the fod supply

11/2/2013 04:03:16 am
Washington State has the opportunity to lead the way where California failed in terms of GMO labeling. Huge money being spent here by the big guys from all over to defeat the initiative. Fingers crossed that voters take the time to really understand, and do the right thing by voting to get GMOs labeled.

Michele Jacobsonlink
11/2/2013 06:01:26 am

Thank you for your comment! Although Prop 37 (in California) didn’t pass, I don’t think of it as failing…it served to get the ball rolling and spread awareness nationwide. Much ground has been covered since. (See
I wish I were on the west coast so I could give my informative GMO presentation in an effort to educate Washington-staters on the health, environmental and political ramification of GMOs. Since I’m not please direct whoever you can to this blog, and especially “5 Things You Need To Know” and “5 More Things…” (my first two articles) so they can understand the issue of GMOs better!


11/2/2013 06:34:42 am
Thanks Michele. There is a very real possibility that the initiative is going to fail in WA state as well. Support has been sliding pretty significantly. The big guys have bombarded the State with a lot of lies, and many people don’t get that GMOs are different than crossing healthy plants to create hybrids. Lawsuits against the GMA accepting mass donations to hide opponents are pointless. They accomplished their goals and the tiny amounts in penalties (if they have to pay them at all) are worth it to them.

Sad precedent continues.

11/10/2015 12:27:20 pm

It is, indeed, disheartening; however we have no choice but to move forward. Thank you for your comment. MJ


    • Michele Jacobson, CN
      Michele Jacobson, CN

      Thank you! Keep reading!

      November 1, 2019

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