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Tag: nutrition

Are You Eating Yogurt Like It’s Ice Cream?

Posted in Food, Health & Wellness

They’re popping up everywhere these days: in the suburbs, in the city, you can even find food trucks touting their frozen soft-serve wares. No more ice cream parlors, these days it’s the yogurt shoppe. But don’t be fooled: as Americans are flocking through their doors, lured by healthful sounding flavors such as green tea and acai berry, they are self-serving themselves “small” cups which are actually tipping the scales.
Indeed, statistics show that the average consumer takes 8-10 ounces of yogurt, and then 4-6 ounces of toppings. When all is weighed at the cash register, there may be buyers’ remorse, but this being America, most folks will eat what they paid for.


Yogurt can be a superfood, 
but don’t fool yourself that when it’s served up like this,
it constitutes a healthy choice!

How To Go For Optimum Nutrition In College

Posted in Food, Health & Wellness

We’ve all seen the articles about avoiding “The Freshman Fifteen”: that’s College Nutrition 101. So when someone asked about attaining and maintaining a healthy and clean lifestyle while in college, it really presented a new challenge.


It’s easy to look fit when you first get to school. For most students, mom (or dad) has been doing the bulk of the shopping and cooking, making “healthy” choices (hopefully!) and catering to your likes, dislikes and dietary needs. In addition to this, as a teenager, metabolism is most definitely on your side. And if it hasn’t been, it’s not going to kick into place by itself as you get into your twenties. The college years are a perfect time to start paying attention to the factors which will be prevalent to your health for the rest of your life.